Charge Regulator SunSaverDuo
Charge controller for two separate sets of batteries. Detailní informace
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Detailní popis Charge Regulator SunSaverDuo
Charge Specifically Two Battery CircuitsThe SunSaverDuo ™ by MorningStar is an advanced charge controller for two batteries with pulse width modulation for motorhomes, caravans, boats and cottages. This product will charge two separate and isolated batteries at the same time, such as a "house battery" and a "motor battery", based on the user-selected priorities. SunSaver Duo by Morningstar based on the legendary SunSaver controller technology, whose long history of success in terms of high reliability and improved battery charging in the solar industry is highly recognised. Moreover, this controller has a remote meter with backlight, which can be mounted in or on a wall, and displays digital and pictorial status information relating to the solar energy system.
The SunSaverDuo / RM-1 is additionally equipped with a remote indicator with backlight that can be mounted in or to a wall. It indicates digital as well as pictographic status information regarding the solar system. The product consists of 1 x Charge Controller SSD-25 and 1 x Remote Indicator RM-1.
Specifications: Controller: 17.0 x 5.6 x 4.1 cm – 340 g; Remote Display: 9.7 x 9.7 x 3.1 cm (fits into a round hole with a diameter of 7.6 cm) – 135 g
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