Door Protection Safe Door
New look for the established Safe Door. Detailní informace
Produkt nabízíme v následujících variantách:
Detailní popis Door Protection Safe Door
Safety in its new formNew look for the established Safe Door: new, modern design, fitting tightly to the vehicle lines. The ripped structure gives the lock certain elegance and acts as a deterrent to thieves. The Safe Door is equipped with an improved lock and a lock cover. This way, the cylinder is protected against dirt and water.
Safe Door
Wall installation with 4 screws and inner counter plate. Available as a 1- or an equally closing 3-piece set.
Safe Door Frame
Installation onto the aluminium door profile or the garage profile with 3 self-tapping screws. Required for vehicles, which left of the door have no space left for a counter plate. Available as a 1-. or an equally closing 3-piece set.
Safe Door Magnum
An entire length of 20 cm to cover the lock of the caravan. Installation to the wall with 4 direct screws and a counter plate on the inside.
Safe Door Magnum Frame
An entire length of 20 cm to cover the lock of the caravan. Installation to the aluminium door profile or the garage profile with 3 self-tapping screws.
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