Klean Kanteen Tumbler
Tumbler by Klean Kanteen with vaccum isolation. Detailní informace
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Detailní popis Klean Kanteen Tumbler
Klean Kanteen' Tumbler with vacuum isolationAvailable in three exciting colours, the Klean Kanteen Tumbler is the perfect and stylistic companion for you! On the road, at university or work, thanks to the vacuum-isolated and electro-polished stainless steel, your beverages are kept perfectly hot or cold for hours! Furthermore, you contribute to environmental protection with buying a Klean Kanteen Tumbler, as disposable cups made from paper or plastic are ancient history for you, and you set a sign against our disposable society. Apart from usual cups, the Klean Kanteen Tumbler is produced non-toxically and your drink acquires neither taste nor smell of the material. Thanks to the included Tumbler Lid, splashing is none of your worries.
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