Level Up
Offers support that guarantees a greater capacity and greater stability. Detailní informace
Produkt nabízíme v následujících variantách:
Detailní popis Level Up
Levels with a high standard! The original by Fiamma. Light, resistant and non-slip.
They prevent reliably the disadvantages of an inclined position. Non-slip adhering to the tyre surface. Corrosion-free and easy to clean. Shatterproof. Ideal for motorhomes. Made of sturdy polyethylene HD, UV-resistant.
Consisting of: 2 levels and 1 bag.
Produkt je zařazen v následujících kategoriích
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BURIMEX s.r.o.
U nájezdu na D5
267 51 Bavoryně
+420 311 280 311
E-mail: info@svetkaravanu.cz
Po - Pá | 8:00 - 17:00 |
Sobota | 9:00 - 13:00 |
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