Manoeuvring System easydriver
Hand crank or cordless screwdriver - it does not really matter: simply swerve! Detailní informace
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Detailní popis Manoeuvring System easydriver
Easy manoeuvring and quick to relax.Hand crank or cordless screwdriver: Simple attachment and detachment!
- Powerful drive for any operation
- Remote control with easydriver operation concept: Even more precise, clear intuitive driving instructions even in bends thanks to the bend control; status display (battery charging state of caravan and remote control, wireless monitoring and overload protection)
- Light, smart and compact
- Light system weight with MPP (in connection with the Li-Ion-System Mobility Power Pack up to 27 kg weight savings)
- Minimal loss of chassis clearance
- Simple electrical manoeuvring by the push of a button (easydriver pro)
- Best traction for security at inclines, wet grass, mud and impassable grounds
- Smooth starting and stopping due to Softstart and Softstopp
- 5-year warranty
- Manual attachment
Simply clever:
Exceptional manoeuvring system for best power transmission. Individual swivelling mechanism with high-performance sliding bearings.
Simply unique:
The easy driver corrosion protection. Instead of just covering corrosion, the easy driver housing made of high-tech material ensures that no rust is formed.
Simply strong: easydriver pro and basic
Produkt je zařazen v následujících kategoriích
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