Maxview Precision-I.D Sat-Kit
Based on easy to use Maxview Precision. With new satellite identification module. Detailní informace
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Detailní popis Maxview Precision-I.D Sat-Kit
Based on the easy to use Maxview Precision, the handling has been simplified again. The new satellite identification module is connected between receiver and antenna and additionally to the audio output of the receiver or TV set. Integrated into the antenna beside the sat-finder, an identification-LED shows when the selected satellite is detected. Maxview-Precision-ID works with any receiver featuring an audio output.
Scope of delivery:
- Sat antenna with tripod
- universal LNB with low noise level
- carrying bags for tripod and antenna
- 10 m coax cable
- Addtionally with the Sat-ID modul to be connetced between receiver and antenna.
Assembly in 5 simple steps
- orientate the marked tripod leg towards south
- mount the dish
- adjust elevation
- scan for satellite
- lock the tripod in found position
Produkt je zařazen v následujících kategoriích
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