MT 4000/5000 iQ Battery Computer
Create your own, personal and individual control unit. Detailní informace
Produkt nabízíme v následujících variantách:
Detailní popis MT 4000/5000 iQ Battery Computer
Easy-to-use combination unit for displaying voltage, charge/discharge current and remaining battery capacity in Ah and per cent. It also shows the remaining operation time (at current consumption), the outside temperature (min./ max. memory) as well as the time and the date. Via a switching output, loads can be switched on and off automatically at certain switching thresholds (freely programmable). The flowing currents are detected by a so-called measuring shunt, which sits directly on the battery pole and passes the measured values on to the computer electronics.
The MT 4000/5000 iQ is delivered as a built-in version. Please order the housing separately.
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