Sine Wave Inverter SinePower DSP
Sine wave inverter with large input power range for modern EURO 6 vehicles. Detailní informace
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Detailní popis Sine Wave Inverter SinePower DSP
The SinePower DSP-T sine wave inverters deliver pure sine voltage, which provides power perfectly even to sensitive 230-V devices. Due to this large input voltage range, they also work perfectly in the modern EURO 6 vehicles. These clever power inverter switch off automatically upon overload, over and under voltage, and on again (as well automatically) as soon as everything is fine. The integrated ventilation adjusts flexibly to the load and temperature conditions and runs comfortably quiet. With the models from 600 W onwards, a remote control is included in delivery, and the devices provide an energy-saving standby mode.Produkt je zařazen v následujících kategoriích
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