TFT LED TV/DVD Combinations Royal Line Deluxe
Now Royal Line is also available as deluxe version, which stands out from the existing version by 2 future-oriented… Detailní informace
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Detailní popis TFT LED TV/DVD Combinations Royal Line Deluxe
Now Royal Line is also available as deluxe version, which stands out from the existing version by 2 future-oriented technical features: First, besides the 3 existing DVB standards, also DVB-T2 (H.264 and H.265) is received - from 2016 on the improved terrestrial broadcast standard DVB-T2 allows reception of more programs, especially in HD resolution. This means that HD-TV is even possible without satellite system. Second, Royal Line Deluxe is equipped with Bluetooth, which allows wireless sound via Bluetooth audio devices such as headphones or speakers.
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