Thule Omnistor 6200
Especially compact awning with up to 20% less weight than with the proven predecessor's models. Detailní informace
Produkt nabízíme v následujících variantách:
Detailní popis Thule Omnistor 6200
- Especially compact jointed-arm roof awning
- Case alternatively in white, anodised or anthracite
- Up to 20 % less in weight compared to the approved previous models
- More compact case due to patented roller tube support
- Projection 2.5 m (from awning length 3 m)
- Individually adjustable inclination
- Spring arms with double steel cable
- Support arms with „Quick-Lock-System“
- Mounted on straight roofs via standard mounting sets with continuous profiles or via Roof Top Adapter (adhesion)! Specific adapters for round roofs are available!
- The tent rail is kept free for a tent
- Only available as manual version
Produkt je zařazen v následujících kategoriích
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